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LibreOffice Productivity Suite 7.1.3 Pc/Mac/Linux


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  • Load and Save ODF documents in flat XML to make external XSLT processing easier
  • Make license information accessible via the Help menu
  • Made on-line Help available on-line, via the WikiHelp
  • Added "Experimental" mode, to allow users to test out as-yet-unfinished features
  • Bundled Linux "Libertine G" and Linux "Biolinum G" fonts
  • Added the LibreColors to the palette
  • Implement import of alpha channel for RGBA .tiffs
  • Show all appropiate formats by default on "Save As"
  • Use radio buttons widgets to clarify complex menu option intentions
  • Add option to enable saving of documents with non-visible changes
  • Added Quickstarter for Unix builds (enabled only in distro builds)
  • Fix synthetic small caps resizing factor to improve look and interoperability

What's New:


  • General improvements
  • Writer now has support for anchoring shapes relative to the bottom of the page content frame. blog post (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
  • Default anchor for newly added images can be set per Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice Writer ▸ Formatting Aids tdf#99646 (Heiko Tietze, TDF)
  • Writer now supports locale-independent templates blog post (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
  • Writer can now detect Unicode type even if imported text file does not have a BOM tdf#60145 (Tomofumi Yagi)


  • Writer's Navigator got many improvements by Jim Raykowski:
  • Navigator's categories are gray if they don't have any items (the same for Calc's Navigator) tdf#129625
  • All objects in Navigator (Headings, Tables, Frames, Images, etc.) have own context menu items like Go To, Edit, Delete, Rename tdf#128814
  • Headings in Navigator have Promote/Demote level and Promote/Demote chapter context menu items tdf#128814
  • Table's context menu in Navigator now has Insert caption item tdf#128814
  • Added Outline tracking for Headings in Navigator. It can be in three states: Default, Focus, Off. Try clicking with your mouse in several places in your big text document with many headings. You'll see that Headings in Navigator will be selected automatically according to text cursor position tdf#108766
  • Replaced the navigation toolbox with the navigate by elements control tdf#89566
  • Added Navigator section tooltip word and character count tdf#63967


  • Improved usage of quotation marks and apostrophe in several languages (László Németh)
  • Replace ASCII apostrophe with typographic apostrophe (’) in Czech, German, Icelandic, Slovak and Slovene instead of second level quotation mark (‘) outside of second level quotation tdf#128860

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