Amia Blogger Template free download -

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Amia Blogger Template is an outstanding and amazingly designed theme for the Blogspot platform. This free blogger template is built with blogger’s new generation codes and it supports some very unique but simple features at the same time. This blogger theme looks very minimal and classy and has a stylish appearance that can look good with any kind of blog. This theme is ideal for photo gallery blogs but also can be used to make a blog for niches like travel, food, review, OOTD, recipe, cooking, movie, Instagram, influencer, apparel, makeup, fashion, etc. This is the best Blogspot theme which you can use to create a personal blog. Loaded with numerous various features it comes with a fast-loading infinite scrolling feature, that lets your blog visitor see older posts without opening a new link. Older posts will be loaded on the same page only. This is an elegantly designed super clean responsive theme. 1 Right Sidebar, 3 Columns, Adapted From WordPress, AMP, Black, Breadcrumb Navigation Ready, Browser Compatibility, Clean, Drop Down Menu, Elegant, Fashion, Fast Loading, Free Premium, Girly, Google, Mega Menu Mega, Minimalist, Page Navigation Menu, Personal Pages, Post Thumbnails, Responsive, Retina Ready, Right Sidebars, Seo Ready, Simple, Slideshow, Social Bookmark Ready, Stylish, WhatsApp Sharing, White, 3 Columns Footer, Grid.
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